Extended informations on cookies

Extended informations on cookies

1. What are cookies 

Cookies are small text files, that are transmitted by websites to the visiting users’ devices. They are retransmitted to the same websites in case of subsequent visits to the site. Cookies can have different aspects and they can be used for different purposes, by the owner and the visited website, as well as by third parties. Within the following document, details on the cookies used by this website are available to the user, together with instructions on how to manage navigation preferences. 

2. Cookies used by this website

This website uses technical, navigational, analytics, profiling and third-party cookies. The owner of the website is Fondazione Teatro alla Scala, headquartered in Milan, Via Filodrammatici, 2, c.a.p. 20121, P. IVA 00937610152. The use of cookies on this website by the owner of the site is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation provided pursuant the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, available at the link.

2.1. Cookies that do not require consent
Technical cookies are exclusively functional to allow usage and access to the websites. They do not require the user’s consent, so they are automatically installed after accessing the site. Technical cookies are equivalent to statistical survey cookies, which are automatically downloaded and used by the owner of the site (first-party). These cookies are functional to the count of websites’ visits done by the user’s browser, in order to determine the first visits.

2.2. Cookies that require consent
Cookies other than those indicated above are installed or activated only following the user's express consent the first time they visit the site. Consent can be expressed, or denied, in a general way when visiting the site, by selecting the available options contained in the specific banner that appears at the first access. Otherwise it can be selectively provided, by clicking in the Banner the option that allows to manage cookies, according to the indications below reported. The chosen preferences can by modified any moment via the access to the page available at this link “…”, which appears … They are cookies categories that will be set out below according to their function.

2.2.1   Statistical Cookie
Statistical cookies used directly by the site operator to collect information in aggregate form: A first-party statistical cookie is used for statistical survey purposes on the site (for example to count the visits made to the site by the user's browser, or to know if the user visits the site for the first time or if it is a returning visitor).

2.2.2 Profiling Cookie Profiling cookies are cookies that allow the creation of profiles according to tastes, choices and propensities expressed by the user during navigation. They are subsequently used to send the user advertising messages in line with the manifested and detected preferences. 

Facebook (statistical tracking of site navigation): I accept


Cookie Name Expiration Time Description Dominio
_fbp 3 months and 1 day tracking of user navigation to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns Site domain
_fbc 2 year tracking of user navigation to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns Site domain


Cookies treated by third-parties
Following are listed some third-party websites that install cookies on the user’s device during the navigation on the present website, together with information on their privacy policies. The closing of the present webpage does not imply a cessation of consent.

  • Information on the visitors of the website can be used by third-party vendors, including Google, to show Teatro alla Scala ads on sites across the Internet. The Google Tag Manager is used according to the Google Terms of Service (located at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/), the Google Privacy Policy (located at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/) and the Google Tag Manager Use Policy (located at https://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/use-policy/). You can opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's Ads Settings.
  • www.google.it/intl/it/analytics: uses analytics cookies to evaluate the performance of the website and its traffic.
    Description: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage.
    Privacy policy: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245.
    Opt out: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

    Google Analytics: I accept


    Cookie Name Expiration Time Description
    _ga 24 hours Used to distinguish users.
    _gat* 1 minute Used to balance network traffic.
    CONSENT 2 years Used to detect whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for compliance to the GDPR of the website.

    Other possible cookies:

    Cookie Name Expiration Time Description
    __utma 2 years Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library is executed and no existing __utma cookies exist. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
    __utmt 10 minutes Used to throttle request rate.
    __utmb 30 minutes Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library is executed and no existing __utmb cookies exist. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
    __utmc session Works in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine if the user is in a new session/visit.
    __utmz 6 months Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library is executed and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics.
    __utmv 2 years Used to store visitor-level custom variable data.
    gac 90 days Contains campaign-related information for the user.
    AMP_TOKEN 30 seconds Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a client ID from the AMP client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, an in-flight request, or an error retrieving a client ID from the AMP Client ID service.


  • www.youtube.com: uses technical and profilation cookies. Description: http://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage. Privacy policy: http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/cookies/.
    YouTube (multimedia content playback): I accept
  • Facebook uses technical (for social media sharing) and profilation cookies. Description: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies.
  • Pinterest uses technical (for social media sharing) and profilation cookies. Description: https://about.pinterest.com/it/privacy-policy.
  • Twitter: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170514

3. Changing your browser’s setting 

It is possible to deactivate the use of cookies with your browser’s settings. In most of the browsers, these settings can be changed as follows : 

  • Choose “Options” or “Preferences” in the “Tools”, “View” or “Edit” menu;
  • Choose the “Privacy”, “Protection” or “Download files” sheet and choose the preferred settings.

Following are the links to the cookie settings page in the principal browsers: