Opportunities for individuals

Opportunities for individuals

Choosing to support Teatro alla Scala means contributing to the Theatre’s mission of promoting musical culture in Italy and in the world.

Individuals may decide to support the Theatre through donations, to be dedicated to the artistic activities or to the project that the Theatre develops, with a particular focus on sustainability, social inclusion and accessibility.
The most significant donations may be dedicated to supporting entire projects or artistic productions, working directly with the Theatre’s Marketing and Fundraising Direction, to identify together the opportunities closer to the sensibility and the specific interests of each donor.

For who wishes to get closer to the Theatre and its activities, the Milano per la Scala Foundation, thanks to the many contributions of its supporters in the categories Young, Senior, Master and Albo d’Oro, historically supports the Theatre’s activity organizing also multiple social activities designed around its members’ interests.
According to the law, donations to Teatro alla Scala and to Fondazione Milano per la Scala may benefit of fiscal advantages.

For information
Martina Rimoldi
Marketing and Fundraising Direction
E-mail: [email protected]



milano per la scala foto sito

Support the Theater with Milano per la Scala


Fiscal advantages for donations to teatro alla scala

milano per la scala foto sito

Support the Theater with Milano per la Scala


Fiscal advantages for donations to teatro alla scala