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Open doors day at La Scala

11:00 AM
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02:00 PM
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Open doors day at La Scala

15 September 2024

First entrance 11am

Visit of the Foyers and of the Stalls

Performance on stage at 12:30pm


Second entrance 2:00pm

Visit of the Foyers and of the Stalls

Performance on stage at 3:30pm 

A day dedicated to all the aspects of the preparation for a live performance. The Foyers of the Teatro alla Scala will be set up with costume exhibitions, hair and makeup interventions and creation of props. Mario Acampa together with Lalla will guide spectators to discover the Theatre in its technical aspects with movements on stage, with performances of the Orchestra and the Soloists of the Teatro alla Scala Academy, and the Ballet Company of Teatro alla Scala.

Programme - 15 September, 12:30pm and 3:30pm

Conductor Alessandro Bonato
Giacomo Puccini

from La bohème
Quando me n’vo’

Laura Lolita Perešivana, soprano

Host Mario Acampa
Lalla Mirjam Schiavello
Artists of Teatro alla Scala Ballet Company Rebecca Luca e Alessandro Francesconi
Ballet Director M° Manuel Legris
Piano Marcelo Spaccarotella
Demonstration from Grand Pas Classique

Victor Gsovskij, choreography
Daniel-François Auber, music

Host Mario Acampa
Lalla Mirjam Schiavello
Conductor Alessandro Bonato
Giacomo Puccini

from Gianni Schicchi
O mio babbino caro

Greta Doveri, soprano

from La rondine
Bevo al tuo fresco sorriso

Laura Lolita Perešivana, soprano
Greta Doveri, soprano
Pierluigi D’Aloia, tenor
Haiyang Guo, tenor